مقالے کی قسم

Ameer Meenaai as laudatory poem writer

"Munshi Ameer Ahmed Minaai's name in Urdu literature doesn't need any introduction. He is well reputed for being the writer and poet. He was born in Lucknow on Monday 16th of Shaban 1244 hijri.After completing his studies he diverted himself towards verses paying full head on this area and he started learning more from the famous poet of his era Like Muzafar Ali Khan Aseer. It was the glorious period of Urdu poetry in Lucknow when Munshi Ameer Ahmed Minaai was born. Anees and Dabeer's Marsia writing was on the pinnacle and the students of Nasikh and Aaatish were spreading their colours of talent throughout the lush meadows of the exotic poetry.He does not stick to just one discipline but expresses himself in various disciplines of Urdu poetry proving his second to none versatility by expressing in all literary genres with consummate dexterity. He was also known as the best lexicographer and a Tazkira nigar. The whip and scorn of Time made dust of ignorance slowly overwhelm Munshi Ameer Ahmed Minaai's writing, which was slowly being wiped out. Munshi Ameer Ahmed Minaai wrote numerous Qasaid but according to Ameer, many of his work lost during the war of independence (1857) . Despite these mishaps there are still fifty four of them available out of which eighteen are still appreciated. His twelve published Qasaid are available in his famous book " Mirat-ul-Ghaib and " Mahamid -e-Khatmun- Nabuyeen ". However some are published in magazines and other in his students' publications. Ameer's thirty six unanticipated Qasaid are under his grandson custody which proved valuable. Every possible attempts were made for completing of Ameer's Qasaid.After going through of Ameer's Qasaid I have concluded that of Ameer's name must be equivalent to Zauq, After Sauda in the history of Qaseeda Writing."

Dr. Sadaf Tabassum. (2018) اامیرمینائی بحیثیت قصیدہ گو (مطبوعہ اور غیرمطبوعہ قصائد کی روشنی میں), Zaban-o-Adab, Volume 23 , Issue 1.
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