l. Introduction
In 2007-8, I undertook a field-study of the distribution of archaeological sites in the Indian states of
Haryana and Panjab (Chakrabafli and Saini, forthcoming). Three aspects of this distribution, which
have some bearings on the distribution of sites and routes of communication in the Pakistani Panjab,
are the starting point of the present essay.
The first aspect is that the most important orientation of the distribution of Harappan sites in
the panjab (India) and Haryana lies along the alignment which can be traced between Delhi, Rohtak,
Jind, Hansi, Hissar, Sirsa, Abohar and Fazilka. Beyond Fazilka the route enters Pakistan. I shall take
up the ramifications of this route after it enters Pakistan. This alignment was important in Haryana
and the Indian Panjab not merely in the Harappan context but also in the context of the early historic
and later periods.
DILIP K. CHAKRABARTI . (2010) Notes on the Historical Geography of the Pakistani Panjab , Pakistan Heritage, Volume 2, Issue 1.
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