Recent DNA investigations among members of the living castes and tribes of India have received
great attention in the scholarly journals and these investigations have rekindled controversy over the
appearance of Indo-Aryan languages and the spread of Vedic culture throughout the Indian subconti-
nent. Such data pumortedly document greater west and central Asian admixture in high-status castes
and among Indo-Aryan-speaking inhabitants of north India relative to Dravidian-speakers of south
India (Bamshad 1996; Cavalli-Sforza et al 1994: Mukherjee et al 2001; Passarino et al 1996). Such
research has encouraged an array of non-specialists in population genetics to justify a resurrection of
the Aryan Invasion theory (for a discussion see Bryant 2001).
BRIAN E. HEMPHILL . (2009) Bioanthropology of the Hindu Kush High Lands: A Dental Morphology Investigation , Pakistan Heritage, Volume 1, Issue 1.
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