مقالے کی قسم

Heavy metals form a versatile group of high densityelements that vary considerably in theirbiological roles and chemical properties. Although many heavy metals are essential trace elementsyet they have long been recognized as environmental pollutants due their toxic effects. Increasedindustrialization,urbanization anthropogenic activities like mining, smelting and other agriculturalactivities have resulted in accumulation of heavy metals in the environment. Heavy metals such asnickel, cadmium, zinc, copper, mercury, arsenic and chromium are not easily degradable and tendto build up in soil. These heavy metals through various routes such as fish and plants make theirway into the human body and are known to have serious detrimental effects on human health atelevated levels. The harmful effects of some important heavy metals on human health have beendiscussed.

NaseemZahra, Imran Kalim, Minahil Mahmood, Nageen Naeem. (2017) PerilousEffects of Heavy Metals Contamination on HumanHealth, Pakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry, Volume 18, Issue 1.
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