مقالے کی قسم

Effect of physico-chemical parameters on fish growth in Hanna lake was conducted during March–December 2013. There is no significant (p > 0.05) differencewas recorded in the values oftemperature,pH, salinity anddissolve oxygen (DO) within sampling sites, but significantlydifference was (p> 0.05) noticed in the values ofconductivity, transparency,total dissolved solids(TDS) and alkalinity. The values of length–weight relationship ofCarrasus auratusandGlypothorax sp.were found to be satisfactory and regression co-efficient (b = 2.10 and 2.0respectively) indicated as satisfactory growthof two fish species from Hanna lake, Balochistan.The values of relative condition factor (Kn) was calculated for combined sexes for both the fishspecies (mean Kn = 0.98 and 0.96) in case ofC. auratusandGlypothorax sprespectively. It istherefore concluded that the physico-chemical parameters of Hanna lake found to be suitable forthe fish growth

G. Dastagir, S. Jalbani, N.T. Narejo, P. Khan. (2016) Effect of Physico-chemical Parameters on Fish Growth inHanna Lake, Balochistan, Pakistan, Pakistan Journal of Analytical & Environmental Chemistry, Volume 17, Issue 2.
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