مقالے کی قسم

What are the Condi ons Necessary for the Appropriate Dissemina on and Improvement of the Sindhi Language?

This paper will briefly discuss the ancient history, theories, and views about the origins and foundaons of Sindh language. The various factors that have been detrimental for Sindhi language will also be listed and discussed. The Sindhi language (i) as a medium of instrucon, (ii) at the level of primary educaon, and the (iii) importance of the mother tongue, will also be examined by making reference to naons that have successfully struggled for the protecon of their mother tongue language. A#er a careful and thorough study, recommendaons are offered for the disseminaon and improvement of the Sindhi language.

Dr. Ghazala Rehman Rafique. (2017) سنڌي يوليءَ جو واڌارو۽ سُڌار، کهڙين صورتن ۾ ممڪن آهي, Kalachi, Volume 20, Issue 2 .
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