مقالے کی قسم

Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai (1689–1752) was a Sufi scholar and considered as one of the greatest poets of the Sindhi language. Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai was born in 1689 in Hala Haveli's village near Hyderabad, Pakistan. His most famous written work is the “Shah Jo Risalo”, which is a masterpiece of Sindhi Literature as well. The major themes of his poetry include Unity of Almighty, love for human, religious tolerance and humanistic values. The women in Shah Abdul Latif’s poetry are known as the seven heroines ( ن (  of Sindhi folklore. They have been given the status of heroines in the Shah Jo Risalo. The Seven heroines respected throughout Sindh for their positive qualities: their honesty, integrity, piety and loyalty. They were also valued for their bravery and their willingness to risk their lives in the name of love. In his monumental work, there are Chapters, known as Surs (Melodies) where Bhittai gives his Message of love, longing, patriotism, communal harmony, tolerance, divine affection and devotion. These Seven Melodies, in fact the seven stages of Soul find expression through his famous heroine. Scholars have observed that the succession of Sohni, Sassi, Leela, Moomal, Marui, Noori and Sorath (Seven Heroines) represent the Seven Stages of the Soul. Indeed, quite an apt allegory, and Bhittai’s specialty is that he does not narrate complete stories but offers dramatic monologues highlighting the lessons to be learnt at each stage. Many Sindhi dramatists write drama in the light of Shah Abdul Latif Bhittai’s poetry. Khanchand Daryani was the first play writer who wrote ‘Moomal aen Mendhro’ in 1922. After that, so many dramatists have written drama in the perspective of the poetry of Shah

Qasim Rajpar. (2014) شاہ جي شاعريءَ جي پس منظر۾ لکيل سنڌي نا ٽک, Kalachi, Volume 17, Issue 2.
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