مقالے کی قسم

‘Haresh Waswani’ A call from Live conscience

Haresh Waswani is a poet of modern poetry; four books are at his credit, on which a separate ‘Literary Conference’ should be arranged. Further, his poetry can be linked with the classical period of modern poetry, the icons of which period where Shaikh Ayaz and Narain Shyam. In continuation, where to his names also, viz: Hari-Kant, Anand Khemani followed by Atiya Daud, Pushpa Valbh, Amar Sindhu, Imtiaz Abro, Ali Hassan Chandio and Erum Mahboob. The paper contains comparative study of ‘modern poetry’, as well as, we can call it ‘Development of modern, poetry, from classical period up to modern period. The beauty and purity of art was its past; and, pangs of life and tortures of twentieth Century’s moral and societal, Sufferings and human follies can be termed as it present. Haresh, could not face the facts and was silenced by those hard facts. Nand-Chhugani, the Editor of ‘Koonj’, literary magazine was very much perturbed by such silence, which he has expressed in his writings. The paper is a good research work, which will be helpful for researchers and readers.

Ayaz Jani. (2013) ھریش واسواڻي: سجاڳ ضمیر جو آواز, Kalachi, Volume 16, Issue 2.
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