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This research is aimed to examine principals’ conflict management styles and comparing these styles in terms of demographic variables. Descriptive survey design was used to describe the frequency of principals’ conflict management styles and comparing these styles under different boundary conditions. The target population of the study comprised 156 school principals. Rahim organizational conflict management scale was used. Organizational conflict management scale to describe conflict styles used by principals included 28 items 5-point Likert-scale. It was found that the most frequently used styles by the principals were integrating and compromising; the least frequently used styles were forcing and avoiding respectively. Integrating style was the most frequently used style compared to the other ones; compromising style was used more frequently than obliging, forcing and avoiding; obliging was used more frequently than forcing; avoiding was used more frequently than forcing. Primary and middle school principals used obliging style more frequently than general high school principals; middle school and K-8 principals used avoiding style more frequently than general high school principals. Frequency of the use of conflict management styles did not differ based on principals’ total seniority in school administration, seniority as an educator, and gender.

Abdurrahman İLĞAN*. (2020) Examining Principals’ Conflict Management Styles: A Study of Turkish Administrators, Bulletin of Education & Research, Volume 42, Issue 1.
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