مقالے کی قسم

This study intends to the recognition of common mistakes done by the students of faculty of Arabic at International Islamic University, Islamabad at the levels of syntax (grammar), semantics (meaning), script and writing skills related to handwriting. These mistakes have been observed during the studies of Chinese and Pakistani students in three topics. The first one is “Ghazwa tul Badr Al-Kubra” and the writing of this topic was done by the students at home. The second topic is “Allama Muhammad Iqbal”. This topic was given to the students one day before and its writing was done in the class. The third topic is the University and its Terms and Conditions for admission. This topic was given to the students in the class and the writing was done at the same time. The researchers have presented some modern studies related to the title of the articles along with the relation of Arabic language with Urdu language and with any second language as they presented the error analysis format too. This study has concluded some results and of the important one, are as follows: 1. The ratio of common mistakes is highest at syntax (grammar) level, then at script, then semantics and handwriting respectively. 2. No statistical difference between male and female students in writing mistakes at four levels that have been discussed in the study. 3. No statistical difference between nationality factor i.e. Pakistani, Chinese. 4. The mistakes refer to the native language, Arabic language, students, syllabus, teachers and teaching methodology. The study finally advises to overcome the mentioned mistakes and

د. ظهير أحمد , د. محمد إقبال . (2019) تحليل الأخطاء الكتابية عند دارسي اللغة العربية بالجامعة الإسلامية العالمية بإسلام آباد, Majallah Al-Qism Al-Arabi, Volume 26, Issue 1.
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