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The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) came into existence after World War II when the Nazi violence perpetrated upon the Jews came to light, the world community realized that the UN Charter was not sufficiently specific to protect human rights. In response, the Declaration was adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in Paris on December 10, 1948. General Assembly resolution 217 A (III) as a common standard of achievements for all peoples and all nations. It consists of 30 articles which cover a broad range including social, political, economic and religious rights. Though not legally binding, the UDHR is considered a foundational document in international human right laws. It has inspired the development of 50 human rights instruments around the world including international treaties, national constitutions, and regional human right laws. Whereas Islamic law or Shari’ah, has been used in countries throughout the world for more than 1,400 years and remains the ideal legal system for more than a billion people worldwide. During the reign of the Ottoman Empire, the nations under its rule flourished in such diverse fields of medicine, education, social sciences and arts. While Shari’ah has been examined in great detail, religious scholars and groups for implementation in Islamic countries mostly completed the research. However, by comparing the rulings and methodology of Shari’ah to current systems around the world, it is possible to gain both a better understanding and also provides an alternative current system of laws.

Asma Manzoor, Saba Imran Ali, Muhammad Nadeemullah. (2010) Universal Declaration Of Human Rights VS. Human Rights In Islam, Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 3, Issue 1.
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