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In the history of Islam, the role of women, from every facet of life, including political perspective, are unforgettable. They actively participate in high houses of Government, making policy, and even play an important role in battlefields. Chand Bibi was one of those wonderful women. The tragedy of our history also consists in the fact that we don't know much about achievements of women rulers instead cursory details are considered adequate, therefore so much important female figures are vanished in the smoke of history. The purpose of this article is to restate the life of a wonderful ruler Chand Bibi and to collect scattered information about her, subsequently bring to light her important role and outstanding achievements. We try to use all available material on the topic. Outline of this article is complied with the help of Muhammad Qasim Ferishta's History "Gulshan e Ibrahimi" (Tarikh-e-Ferishta), later historians also sought help from Tarikh-e-Ferishta, for more information we make good use of secondary sources too.

Uzma Perveen, Muhammad Zubair. (2015) Chand Bibi Sultan: Legendry Person, Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 10, Issue 1.
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