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The recent advances in the field of medical sciences have allowed the scientists to control the processes of life and death. These processes not only can prolong the human life by machines but doctors ... Read More

Gender discrimination in every walk of society in Pakistan is one of the major issues now. The aim of this paper is to take this issue into a language classroom and to see if gender disparity is found ... Read More

The prime factor in fostering change and development can be planned by systematic use of communication to help individuals, communities, and societies to accept and introduce changes in a democratic w ... Read More

This paper examines socio-cultural practices that deter women from claiming their rights to inherit family property although it is given to them by their religion and is upheld by law. The first secti ... Read More

Though purdah is associated with Islam and Muslim traditions, its origins can actually be traced to pre-Islamic times and other religions such as the Jewish, Christian, and also to non-religious sourc ... Read More

Newspapers use language as a tool to create power structures based on gender; and it is through specific vocabulary that they present men and women as different stereotypes in the society. Through lan ... Read More

Although gender-based violence is prevalent in all societies however it is more widespread in Pakistan. Women of all ages, from birth to old age, are victims of violence. The consequences of gender-ba ... Read More

One of the major threats faced in the fast changing world is of communicable diseases and infections such as Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI’s). In Pakistan where reproductive health related issu ... Read More

This paper presents a study of riwaj (customary law) in the traditional society of the present-day Provincially Administered Tribal Areas (PATA) of the North-West Frontier Province, Pakistan. Under ri ... Read More

Founded in 1989 by the Ministry of Women Development, Youth Affairs and Special Education, the Centre is an outcome of the continuous realization of the Government of Pakistan to integrate women’s dev ... Read More

Dr. Nasreen Aslam Shah, Professor Department of Social Work and Director Women’s Studies Centre, University of Karachi has diligently and meticulously composed “Beggar Girls of Karachi: A Survey”. Alo ... Read More

In this study we have tried to conduct a rather detailed research on "does according to Quran only a man has the right to Nikkah? Does the man has the right to Nikkah only because he is the breadwinne ... Read More

Since woman is "fair sex", not only helpless defending herself but also destitute and has no voice is silent. She is unaware of the fundamental rights given by Islam. The doors to education are closed ... Read More

If we study the ancient history with respect to different civilizations, cultures and religions, it is clear that without a doubt human being developed and civilized themselves through those times. Bu ... Read More