آئی ایس ایس این نمبر

There is a vast contribution of Folk Tales and Folk Songs in the field of literature. Folk songs are the creators of tale and poetry. There are the songs of the land. In folk songs mountains, lands, c ... Read More

Bawa Budh Singh is one of the earliest writer who wrote about Punjabi Poets. He wrote "Prem Kahani" in the third decade of twentieth century and it comprises on the description of fifteen selectiv ... Read More

This article based on Qissaa Kari in punjabi literature. Art of Qissaa Kari is as old as the history of humanity. It performs the cathartic function of literature. As regards the history of Qissaa ... Read More

The portrayal of events in a written drama must be that strong that a reader can construct the scene and envision the situation without any hurdle. Waris Shah's "Heer" has not been written as a dr ... Read More

In this article, "Komal Lekh" has been briefly introduced in the light of definitions from different dictionaries of the world. Komal Lekh is foreign genre of writing, generally known as "Light Es ... Read More

Punjabi drama played in all continents to the world where Punjabi Language is spoken or read. Present article is a brief review of Punjabi Drama which is played all over the world. Punjabi Drama i ... Read More

Khair Din is an outstanding Punjabi poet of Islamic thought, who has used poetry as a medium to present incidents of Shrah. He belonged to an agricultural family and spent hi s l i f e in di f f e ... Read More

Saain Lok was born in 1933 and cherished his eight children with lifetime hardwork and effort. His poetry was inspired by his elder brother Allah Bakhash and he left mature content on his death in ... Read More