In the changing regional geo-political scenarioChina, Pakistan and other regional countries are set to play a vital role in the emerging regional economic corridor. China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) as part of “One Belt, One Road” grand strategy connect countries with China through economic collaboration extending from South East Asia to the Europe through maritime and land routes comprisedofemerging markets of Africa and Middle East energy resources. This paper has investigated the significance of CPEC in parlance of theoretical framework ofcomplex interdependence because the phenomenon of interdependence hastied state and non-state entities in economic and strategic dimensions. Regional connectivity results from systematic, upgraded and need-based interaction in perspective of CPEC for socio-economic, industrial, energy and trade development. CPEC is important not only for Pakistan and China but also for the other regional countries such as Afghanistan, Central Asian Republics, Iran and India. As international and regional politicsfollowsinterest’sgame hence CPEC has also become matter of concerns for both regional and international playerswhich has been amply illustrated by this research. These concerns are followed by argumentsthat CPECmay be seen in abroaderperspective of interdependency with emphasis on strategic and economicdimensions guaranteeing regional connectivity and integration.CPEC can serve as a main trade avenue not only for China and Pakistan but for Central Asian Republics, Afghanistan, Iran and India as well.Thisstudy has argued that CPEChas the potential of becoming an energy transit corridor for growing economies. It has advantagesfor India also in form ofimproved infrastructure, communication and access to CARs market. Simultaneously itimparts an opportunityof flourishing and tradetoSaima Parveen & Syed Akhtar Ali Shah58the Afghanistan’s industries.Irancan also have benefit by ensuring Chabahar port outstretchedto CPEC. CPEC has potential geopolitical risks as hostile environment of South Asia and the respective power rivalry and policy shift of world powers towards this region as manifested by the US pivot to Asia and the former concern over Chinese presence in the Arabian Sea in Asian region, Gulf states consideringof Gwadar Port as rival port, Indian opposition of CPECby arguingthat it passes through Pakistan’sheld Kashmir on which India hasalsoclaim. China and Pakistan in order to escape proxy tussle in Baluchistan need to settle Indian apprehension about the project, Confidence Building Measures (CBM) must be incorporated in order to promote closer ties with Afghanistan, Pakistan must attempt for having stable relations with Iran in order to overcome impedimentsto the CPEC success. By making CPEC a reality the benefits will be reaped by whole region and the very enmity of India with Pakistan and China can be turned into mutual beneficial economic relations. If India becomes a partner in the project then certainly the concerns of India will be settled down

SaimaParveen, Syed Akhtar Ali Shah. (2019) CHINA PAKISTAN ECONOMIC CORRIDOR: INTERDEPENDENCE TO REGIONAL INTEGRATION, Central Asia, Volume 85, Issue 1.
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