Pakistan had been one of the most important country in the region of South Asia in terms of her strategic location and the almost five decades of cold war bear witness of this significance as an important ally of USA against the spread of USSR till 1991. The 21st century brought new challenges and opportunities in the shape of globalization, China as an emerging super economic giant and a predicted super power in the future. In this regard Pakistan had to face and change her policy towards the world and adjust herself to new realities. Here CPEC became an opportunity for Pakistan to converge and shift her geostrategic significance in to geo-economics significance to find new alliance at regional and international level and also a new market for her products. The China Pakistan Corridor is a one part of China’s grand project of One Belt One Road. The CPEC project is not only going to bring economic opportunities for Pakistan but will become a game changer for the whole region by all means in the long term.

Ghulam Dastagir , Dr. Mirwais Kasi . (2018) The Geostrategic Significance of Pakistan and its Relevance in 21st Century: A Case study of China Pakistan Economic Corridor , Balochistan Review, Volume XXXIX , Issue 2.
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