فردوسی:در نظر تذکرہ و تاریخ نگاران

Abul Qasim Ferdowsi, is considered as the greatest Persian poet of Iran. The author of Shahnamah (epic of kings) an eternal national epic of Iran and Great Iran. Ferdowsi’s whole reputation rests on his great work Shahnamah. This is his endeavoured efforts, literary excellence, command on language, mastery in syntactics and his great interest and knowledge of ancient Iranian history which provocated him to create such an epic poem, which contains sixty thousand couplets. It is the longest poem in world literature. Shahnamah gained, indeed, unrivalled popularity not only in Iran but wherever Persian language is cultivated. Shahnamah is considered as national pride of Iran. Ferdowsi is unanimously accepted by Eastern and Western critics as a great poet of wonderful style, diction and sentiments. Ferdowsi is mentioned in histories as well as biographies. The oldest description about Ferdowsi is in the book ‘Chahar Maqala’, authored by Nizami Aruzi Samarqandi, after his death. Later, he is mentioned in various Tazkiras like Lubab-ul-Albaab, Tazkiras Daulat Shah Samarqandi, Taareekh-e-Guzida etc.

زرینہ خان. (2015) Ferdowsi: As Reflected in the Persian Tazkiras and Tarikhs, Anahita, Volume 2, Issue 1.
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