Local Government is a worldwide phenomenon to day. It is generally found that in countries where Local Government is responsible only to the higher tire of government it has very little leeway to mobilize the people; Examples may include that of an authoritarian political system where local government remains solely accountable to the central government rather than to the local residents. Delimitation is the important step in a democratic process of the country and this is also universally recognized right of all citizen of the country to have equal right to be elected and to be voter for any elected institution. The delimitation also determines that how representative and fair election was. Pakistan is the signatory to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) codified this principle in article 25(b), which provides for the principle of equality of votes. Also, paragraph 21 of General Comment 25 (which is the authoritative interpretation of the ICCPR) states that the vote of one elector should be equal to the vote of another; the drawing of electoral boundaries and the method of allocating votes should not distort the distribution of voters or discriminate against any group and should not exclude or restrict unreasonably the right of citizens to choose their representatives freely. Pakistan ratified the ICCPR in 2010. The objective of this research paper is to evaluate the representation of population of provincial head quarter in Metropolitan Corporation as equal representation and equal suffrage. The delimitation of Local Government institution in Balochistan seriously affecting the right of equal suffrage of equal representation, there are constituencies having more than ten registered votes from other constituencies in same metropolitan of Quetta provincial head quarter of Balochistan

Nasrullah, Dr. Syed Ainuddin. (2017) Delimitation of Local Government Constituencies Seriously Affects the Equal Suffrage and Representation: A Case Study of Quetta Metropolitan Corporation, Pakistan Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1.
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