Unprecedented wave of judicial activism has been witnessed in Pakistan since 2001. The fundamental rights guaranteed in the Constitution of Pakistan has broadened the scope of Judicial Activism and ... Read More

Transgender issues has the most sensitive and imperative concerns not only national but also at international level. Most of the transgender people have been violated into diverse directions at comm ... Read More

The purpose of this research is exploring utility of new media by politicians in world in general and in Pakistan in particular, including its influences on political culture in Pakistan. This resea ... Read More

This study has been carried out to analysis mainly the perceptions of residents about social impacts of recreation in Quetta city. In this study both primary and as well secondary data were utilized ... Read More

Land is an essential resource on which all the activities of life are based. Land use is dynamic and is one of the main driving forces of the global environmental changes. Urban growth has increased ... Read More

Pak-Afghan border remain one of the important factor, which influenced Pak-Afghan relation since the emergence of Pakistan. It is important to highlight the significance of Durand line in historical ... Read More

Non- state actors have significantly gained momentum after the late twentieth century especially in Asia and more precisely in Middle East. Their importance can be estimated by the fact that super p ... Read More

Iran the strongest Islamic country has the enriched culture that represents the ancient legacy extended as distant as substitution millennium BCE. Islamic Republic of Iran possess the important posi ... Read More

Iran-U. S ties have been hostile, since 1979 revolution when Iranian Clergy after around seven decades’ destitutions, succeeded in getting the political authority under the leadership of the exiled ... Read More

The study examines the Chinese role in the region of Middle East. China’s interests in the region are growing due to its increasing energy needs and geo-political objectives. The growing Chinese rol ... Read More

The purpose of this study was to find out the “The relationship of mental health and the academic performance of university students. It was a descriptive study. The population of the study were the ... Read More

Civil society is the main hidden potential lying in the society to bring out the result according to the will of the citizens. The civil society organizations were playing fundamental role in promot ... Read More

The process of empowerment involves a sequence of procedures in which people come to defend themselves and become aware of their rights. The issue of women empowerment has been going on for centurie ... Read More

People’s Primary Heath care Initiative (PPHI) is working in 30 districts of Balochistan. The present study examined the major Primary Health Care Services, provided by People’s Primary Heath care In ... Read More

Participatory approach is an indicator of sustainable development which a global agenda for almost every country and international development forum around the globe. Participation not only ensure s ... Read More

The Scarlet Letter by Nathanial Hawthorne is a masterwork which highlights adultery, love, consciousness and unconsciousness of characters. Hawthorne tried to examine the strict society of New Engla ... Read More

The distribution of power and resources produces a sense of provincialism and discrimination among the federating units in Pakistan. This resulted sour relationships between federal government and t ... Read More

This paper focuses on Pakistan-USA relations after the event of 9/11. The deterioration of the Soviet Union for its downfall in the war and the extremist strike of 11th September have altered geopol ... Read More

This research study aims to investigate university students’ attitudes towards the types of oral error correction in Quetta, Pakistan. A quantitative research design was adopted in this study in ord ... Read More

To examine the role of social media in the political change of Pakistan is one of the most important aims of the current study. Due to the deductive nature of the study, cross-sectional technique wa ... Read More

In modern working environment organizations ask employees to invest their time and energy for betterment of organizations. While employees are in pressure to manage their time and energy for work-an ... Read More

The thesis examines the impact of climate change on cash crops in district lasbella and sibbi. Further the climatic variables that affect is to be tested on production of cotton and sugarcane are te ... Read More

The political issues for women in Pakistan is emerging which needs the immediate action to ensure the empowerment of women especially in the local government. The article demonstrates the role and g ... Read More