Most Pakistanis are not aware of the fact that Pakistan does not recognize Armenia nor have any official diplomatic relations with her due to Pakistan’s principle stance over the Nagorno-Karabakh issue. Armenia occupied more than 20 percent internationally recognized Azeri territory during the 1992 war between Azerbaijan and Armenia. Pakistan has brotherly and cordial relations with Azerbaijan. Pakistan not only supports Azeri stance over the Nagorno-Karabakh issue but goes out of the way to not recognize Armenia as a sovereign state. In turn, Azerbaijan supports Pakistan’s stance on the Kashmir dispute. On the contrary, Armenia not only refused to withdraw its forces from the internationally recognized Azeri land but supports Pakistan’s arch-enemy India on Kashmir Issue as a diplomatic move to counter Pakistan. This is the first-ever study conducted on PakistanArmenia relations. The article explores the reasons behind Pakistan's decision to not recognize Armenia in great detail. It discusses the estrangement between the two countries, especially in light of Kashmir and Nagorno-Karabakh issue.

Muhammad Fahim . (2020) Question of Recognizing Armenia: Pakistan vs. India’s Stance , Journal of Indian Studies, Volume 6, Issue 1.
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