The problem of free will is one of the central problems faced by thinkers and philosophers across the ages. According to David Hume the question of free will is "the most contentious question of metaphysics."' Many existential and religious issues cannot be deciphered without having a clear understanding of this problem. How to reconcile between Divine knowledge and power and human agency? This 1s one of the main concerns of theologians and philosophers of religion. Usually. there were extreme positions taken on this issue. On the one hand, there are determinists who thought that in the presence of Divine ommpotence and omniscience, there 1s no space for human free will. On the other hand, the hbertanans thought that one’s actions are not determined by anything prior toa decision, including one’s character and values, and one’s feelings and desires. In this article, I will try to sketch a brief overview of the different schools of thought in the Muskm intellectual tradition, conceming the problem of free will. The article will also bnefly mention two recent thinkers of sub-continent: Muhammad Iqbal and Maulana Muhammad Ayub, and the sahent features of thei philosophical thought.

Muhammad Rasheed Arshad. (2017) مسئلہ اختیار, Al-Hikmat: A Journal of Philosophy, Volume 37, Issue 1.
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