Research Review of Selected Narrations of the Book “Al-Sayeda Zainab” Written by Ayesha Abdur Rehman Binte Shat’e
The full name of Binte Shat’e (1913-1998) is Ayesha Binte Abdur Rahman. She is
known as Binte Shat’e because she started writing with this name. She was a
prolific writer, poetess, historian and seerah writer. She was the first Female
Muslim Professor of the Al-Azhar University (Egypt). She received a number of
international awards for her research works, especially Shah Faisal literary award
for her best Qur᾽anic writings. She wrote for many newspaper and journals. She
wrote mostly on the females of the family of the Holy Prophet known as Ahle-Bait.
Her famous books are the mother of the Prophet: Aamina Binte Wahab, the Wives
of the Prophet, The Daughters of the Prophet and Al-Sayeda Zainab Binte Ali (RA).
The last mentioned book discusses the Event of Karbala which took place in the 61
Hijra in the period of Umayyad’s when Yazeed Bin Mua’awia (RA) was the
emperor of the Muslim world. Binte Shat’e discusses on the one hand the event of
Karbala and on the other hand the character of Al-Syeda Zainab. How she
participated in this event for helping her brother Hazrat Hussain (R.A). She
presented her sons for sacrifice too. The writer proves to be a scholar by discussing
not only the direct event, rather she also mentions the indirect events relating to
Karbala in one way or the other. While discussing the event, she has quoted some
historical narrations without any critical analysis. She quoted Quran and Hadithe
too. This research papers present a critical view of the selected narrations of the
book Al-Sayeda Zainab so that weak and fabricated things could be pointed out as
they are very much famous in history but they have never been criticized.
Samiya Inayat, Dr. Musarat Jamal. (2020) عائشہ عبدالرحمن بنت شاطی کی کتاب؛ ''السیدہ زینب ''کی منتخب روایات کا تحقیقی جائزہ, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 7, Issue 1.
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