Performance of any organization depends on productivity of leadership. the leaders are responsible for effective utilization of organization’s resources. The leader gives the directions to subordinate for accomplishment of task as per need. Study reveals, many organizations are lacking availability of leadership. Management people are not ready to perform future assignment. However, succession planning can be an effective tool for development of future leadership. Succession planning is the process of identifying key area and position of organization. it helps organization in identification of potential leader and competencies required to complete assignment. Succession planning improve the ability of employee and evaluate its performance. The study aims to analyze relationship between succession planning and leadership elevation. A survey of 300 personnel was conducted through closed ended questionnaire. 50% respondent belong to male and 50% to female. Convenience sampling is used to draw sample in the study. The study reveals succession planning has significant positive impact on leadership elevation.

Ammad Zafar, Ghazal Khawaja Hummayun Akhtar. (2015) Effect of Succession Planning on Leadership Elevation, Pakistan Journal of Gender Studies, Vol. 11, Issue 2.
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