مہدویت بطورِ نظامِ حکومت

Human beings are in search of peace which can be find in an ideal government. Human beings in their historical and evolutionary journey have invented, adopted and renounced different systems of governments. They could not, nonetheless, formed a system which can fulfill their desire for peace in the world. The progress in science and technology and the advocacy of democracy have not provided the human race with peace. Rather, humans are marching towards wars and destruction. It is because they have adopted man-made systems at the expense of divinely ordained system. According to the Quran, Islam is to dominate all other religions. We must, therefore, have firm faith in the prophecy of the Quran and must comprehend it as it should be comprehended. In this context, the study of the belief in Mahdism and its dimensions as a system of government is of paramount importance. The hurdles in the way of the domination of Islam will remiane unless Muslim accept the belief in the Mahdi as a system of government.

Nazar Haffi. (2018) MAHDISM AS A SYSTEM OF GOVERNMENT , Noor-e-Marfat, Volume 09, Issue 02.
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