Today’s knowledge economy is dependent on proper knowledge management wherein knowledge sharing is critical. This paper presents a conceptual proposition regarding the relationship of commonly known organizational factors and knowledge sharing with social capital of the community of practice as a possible mediator. The extant literature has been reviewed to logically connect the present study with the previous researches. And on the basis of this review research propositions have been developed. The literature review revealed that most of the previous studies have taken into account knowledge based view and resource-based theory in the field of knowledge sharing. These studies have not considered the mediating role of social capital of the community of practice. As social capital plays a major role in people network, making the social exchange possible, and by ignoring this aspect there is a fear of negatively affecting HR effectiveness. This research is aimed to look at this aspect so that a holistic picture could be presented. The research may have many implications. From research point of view, the prepositions presented may provide a base for empirical testing. These propositions may provide insights for the managers for improving the mechanisms of knowledge dissemination within and across the organizations boundaries. Social capital of the community of practice should be examined to ascertain its effects on knowledge sharing in organization. The current study is hoped to open future investigations that lead to the validation of the proposed model that has social capital as an integral part.

Wali Rahman, Jawad Hussain, Fayaz Ali Shah, Haji Rahman. (2020) Conceptual Proposition: The Mediating Role of Social Capital between Knowledge Sharing Factors and Knowledge Sharing, City University Research Journal, Volume 10, Issue 3.
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