The purpose of this paper is to analyze the service quality known as SERVQUAL dimensions for library services in the different departments in the University of Peshawar. Objectives of research paper is to empirically estimate the SERVQUALattributes and their relevant dimensions and to evaluate the measuring gaps between perceptions and expectations of service quality provided by libraries in the University of Peshawar. Quantitative and descriptive research design is used to investigate the problem in depth. Structured questionnaire was adopted to collect the responses for perceptions and expectations of library users through seven-point semantic scales. Stratified random sampling techniques were used while data was collected from all 399 respondents out of 14456 populations. The finding of study says that highest expectations observed about welcoming and positive attitude of library staff and attractive physical appearance of library holdings. Whereas, users were satisfied with the availability of services at accurate time as well as always cooperation of staff towards borrowers providing library services. The result showed that all expectations were found higher than perceptions. However, narrow gaps were observed between perceptions and expectations of library users providing library services relevant to the SERVQUAL dimensions. That’s mean satisfaction and overall service quality of University libraries were perceived to some extends good.

Jalal-ud-din, Saeed Ullah Jan, Muhammad Zeeshan, Amjad Reba. (2020) Students Perceptions Regarding Quality of Library Services in The University of Peshawar, City University Research Journal, Volume 10, Issue 3.
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