The piesent research evaluated depression and anxiety in patients undergoing hysterectomy during their pre-surgical and post-surgical phases. A pre-post research design was used, Sample considered of 50 hysterectomy patients, selected from the Gynaecology Department of Lady yVillingdon Hospital of Lahore, Pakistan. Each subject was individually administered Depression Scale and Anxiety Check-List twice; i_e_ 1-7 days before and 1-7 days after surgery. All the hysterectomy patients see m ed to experience more depression (t=-255; ilf=48;*p,(.05) and anxiety (t=-5,74;df=48;*,0.03) during their post surgical phase as compared to their pre-surgical phase probably due to the psychosocial and cultura] misconceptions and biased attitudes attached to "loss of uterus" in Pakistani society where a woman's status and role primarily revolves around her reproductive capacity_ Research findings also indicate significant negative relationship between manifestation of depression and anxiety and emotional support provided by the spouse and family.

Yasmin N Farooqi , Aalia Shah. (2002) MANIFESTATION OF DEPRESSION AND ANXIETY IN HYSTERECTOMY CASES , Journal of Research ( Humanities), Vol XXXVI, Issue 1.
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