Human literary history is replete with both fiction and non-fiction narratives that chronicle intricate patterns of ‘power’ and its multiple manifestations. There are numerous modes through which p ... Read More

: With specific focus on the male characters of Mohsin Hamid’s Moth Smoke and The Reluctant Fundamentalist, this paper seeks to re-address the concept of ‘identity’ within a neo-colonial perspectiv ... Read More

Kamila Shamsie is a Pakistani novelist who represents the new generation of writers writing in English. In her novels, she makes language a means and tool to consolidate the identity of her nation ... Read More

This article examines the concept of silence and aggression in Mohsin Hamid’s Moth Smoke and his The Reluctant Fundamentalist in relation to Noelle Neumann’s theory of spiral of silence. Various id ... Read More

In the nineteenth century India, the older indigenous culture which had achieved its zenith during the times of the great Mughal Empire gradually declined after the defeat of the last Mughal king i ... Read More

Kashmir, with its unique blend of picturesque landscape, perennial fresh water streams and lakes, lush-green vegetation, snowcapped peaks, variety of birds, rare animals and various seasons with cha ... Read More

Chronotope is a word given to timespace by Mikhail Bakhtin in his book The Dialogic Imagination (1938). There he explains that in a novel chronotopes serve as those literary tools which show time a ... Read More

Coercive and assaultive conduct behind closed doors with physical, sexual and psychological attacks is a global phenomenon not associated to geography, religion or social status. Presenting a revie ... Read More

This paper aims at highlighting a major pattern of differences between classic realist and postmodernist detective fiction by arguing that whereas the former, in spite of occasionally foreshadowing ... Read More

Ajoka Theatre’s Barri/The Acquittal underscores one major trend in post-colonial writing, that is, the prison theater, which in Gary Boire’s view, revolves “parodically around such mechanisms of au ... Read More

In this paper, I intend to explore how female protagonists in The Handmaid’s Tale and The Bell Jar negotiate with patriarchal narratives, which oppress them in the public and private spheres of the ... Read More

This research scrutinizes the influence and impact of Romanticism in the development of Modern Chinese fiction through one of the novels of Gao Xingjian. The major area of this study aims to argue ... Read More

Women’s faces on advertisement billboards are always in danger of being blackened or of being defaced by, so called, moral brigades in Pakistan. These incidents were first noted, in cities like Lah ... Read More

Derek Walcott (1930-2017), received the 1992 Nobel Prize in literature. This paper offers textual analysis of three of his plays from the point of identity politics. The works discussed are Remembra ... Read More

Western philosophy and literary criticism have remained divided over the relevance and primacy of the ethical and the aesthetic approaches to art. The debate was started by Plato who in his various ... Read More

The paper attempts to read Zulfikar Ghose’s poetry a Pakistani Diaspora poet, by applying the theoretical frame of Dialogism proposed by Mikhail Bakhtin in 1981. Although, Bakhtin sees poetry as mon ... Read More