In democratic societies" the decisions of the courts are generally cansidereei a an important source of in the concept of the freedom of the press and also in $efting up its parameters. What have been the rulings and decisions of apex court and High courts regarding the Press in Pakistan ? This paper is an attempt to answer this question. The methodology used hi this paper is based on documents Study in which this researcher has consulted more than 70 volumes of PLDs from 1947 to 1999 & other literature on the basis of purposive sampling. Before promulgation of Press and Publication Ordinance in 1960, cases against newspapers were used to be registgred under Press (Emergency Power) Act 1931. Under section 7 of the said act, the Government may require security upto Rs. 3000 from a newspaper publishing anything that brings into hatred or contempt the Government. In a case against Bi-weekly Kausar the court read the article in which it was slated that, "those responsible for running the Government, initially took charge of the affairs of state,

Sajjad Paracha . (2002) PRESS FREEDOM IN PAKISTAN: A Courts' Paradigm, Journal of Research ( Humanities), Vol XXXVI, Issue 2.
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