In addition to Quaid-i-Azam Muhammad Ali Jinnah (1876- 1948), Allarna Muhanunad lqbal (18774938) is correctly assumed as the founding father of Pakistan. Throughout his life span and even after his demise, his indebted community had showed unparalleled affection and admiration to him. The tendency reached its apex during the Pakistan Movement, when he was considered the personality who first visualized the proposal of a separate homeland for the Muslims and motivated other's to attain' that target. Therefore, soon after the establishment of Pakistan, the study of life and works of Allama lqbal became a significant field of research and since. then, thousands of books, monographs, articles, • essays, editorials, commentaries, and critiques have been produced on him_ The English dailies of Pakistan have also contributed a lot in this endeavor_ in the following pages, an attempt has been made to trace all references made to life and works of Allama lqbal in the English newspapers of Pakistan during 1953. It is hoped that this endeavor would reveal to some extent the perception o the Pakistani journalism about the great seer and statesman. Muhammad Bagir, in his article "NW was inure human than stress on his philosophy has left him" appeared in The Civil and Military Gazelle has recounted a couple of incidents reflecting various aspects of multi-dimensional

Nadeem Shafiq Malik. (2003) A Study of Articles on Life and Works of Allama lqbal Published in English Dailies of Pakistan During 1953 , Journal of Research ( Humanities), Vol XXXVIII, Issue 1.
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