Punjabi drama played in all continents to the world where Punjabi Language is spoken or read. Present article is a brief review of Punjabi Drama which is played all over the world. Punjabi Drama is played under different modes movement on the issue is raised in society of that area. In Pakistan different private groups and NGOs, present Punjabi dr ama on soc ia l , e conomi ca l , mora l , psychological, political and sensitive issues which are faced by public in Non-Muslim world religious themes are also presented in Punjabi Drama. Another popular drama in Pakistan is Punjabi Musical comedy drama the main object of Punjabi drama is to provide entertainment and to create awareness about their rights and issues. Present article reveals that Punjabi Drama is rich in using all types of themes and modern techniques. Now a day Punjabi Drama is successfully played in Pakistan, India, England & Canada etc.

Dr. Nighat Khursheed. (2017) پنجابی تھیٹر دے مہاڑ, Parakh, Volume 2, Issue 1, 3rd Edition.
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