"Khawarnama" is an epic. This long poem is in the form of 'Masnavi'. This poem is considered to be one of the oldest poems of Urdu. This epic contains twenty four thousand verses."Khawarnama" is a translation of Persian Khawarnama(830 Hijra/1426 A.D.) made by Kamaluddin Khan Rustami, Persian Khawarnama was written by Ibne Hassam(Hassamuddin), and was written following the world famous Shahnama-e-Firdausi. Rustami did this translation on the motivation of Begum Khadija Sultan wife of Sultan Muhammad Adil Shah of Beejapur. The translation which was done about 367/375 years ago (It was completed in 1059/1050 Hijra, 1648/1640 A.D.)This epic is a fiction in which assumed wars of Hazrat Ali (R.A) against different kings of Eastlandhave been narrated. The important characters along with Hazrat Ali (R.A) are Malik, Saad Waqas and Abul Majan. The study of this epic depicts it's historic, literary and linguistic importance. In this article the historical background along with research study of the said masnavi has been presented.

Hasam-us-Saeed. (2020) Masnavi "Khawarnama" one interdouse, Tahqiq - Research Journal Of Urdu Language & Literature, Volume-39, Issue-1.
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