Finland educational system is among the top systems in the world and Finnish students have proven themselves as intellects and responsible citizens in the past. In contrast, Pakistan is facing substantial education challenges and despite efforts been made,providing quality education to all children is still a dream. More than half of the adult population is not able to read and write, and there is huge inadequacy of skilled human resource that can impact the economy of the country.Malaysia, like other developed countries, has recognized importance of lifelong learning and is advancing it as a major source for economic growth. Competence, skills needed to ensure holistic growth of students is mentioned explicitly. Besides comprehensive curriculum development, Malaysia introduces such programs as to generate human capital by means of education and training. The creative learning environment and constant encouragement to students is provided to focus on latest skills that are need of the labour market.In Pakistan, it seems curriculum is properly documented with clear aims of what excellences to be fostered in individual but how to foster such excellence is missing.

Sohni Siddiqui, Naureen Nazar Soomro, Reena Majid Memon. (2020) Episteme Aims Of Education: A Comparative Study Of Educational systems Of Finland,Pakistan, And Malaysia, Asia Pacific, Volume-38, Issue-1.
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