This fact is quite obvious from Quran o Sunnah that Islam is a religion of peace and provides guarantee of protection of life, property and self respect to the all members of society without any discrimination of colour, race and religion. It is the duty of an Islamic State to provide protection to the basic rights of all minorities. Holy Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم said:"Beware! Whoever is cruel and harsh to a non-muslims minority, curtailing their rights, overburdening them or stealing from them, I will complain (to God) about that person on the day of judgement." Islam seeks to establish such a society where all citizens of the state enjoy equal rights and religion doesn't become the basis from any discrimination. Islamic law holds both muslims and non-muslims equal and no superiority or privilege is given to the muslims on any ground. The constitution of Pakistan provides protection to the all basic rights of minorities. Quaid-e -Azam himself assured minorities of their equal rights as a responsible leader of an Islamic State. Quaid-e-Azam was well aware that peace and prosperity of an Islamic State is hidden in it. The constitution of Pakistan doesn't allow any kind of aggression against minorities. It is reality that minorities are enjoying their basic rights more as compared to all other countries. Pakistan is being blamed for many years but there is no reality in it. The basic rights of minorities in Pakistan are tried to discuss in this article.

Irshad Ullah, Dr.Abdul Majeed. (2019) The Protection of Life and Property of Non-Muslims in Pakistan ( In the Light of Religious Perspective), Islamabad Islamicus, Volume-01, Issue-2.
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