After the era of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W), there were dissimilarities in interpretations of contradictive revelations by Muhammad (S.A.W) thereby questioning their authentication while being considered a basic source of extracting the Sharia acts. In this context, Imam Shāfʿī studies all the dissimilarities and contradictions and devised finest principles which performed very positive role in rationalizing the conflicting Ahadiths. He was first to discuss these matters in an innovative manner. It is therefore, essential for investigator to refer to Shāfʿīs principles to rationalize any Hadith lying under contradiction. Imam Shāfʿī stated that Hadith is not itself contradicting but its apparent meaning leads the investigator into misconception. Consequently, he has stated three methods to remove this conflict. First is the combination (جمع (which recommends working on both Ahadiths at the same time rather than leaving either of them. Second is the abrogation (تنسیخ (which requires extensive knowledge of Quran and History before inferring the final decision of Muhammad (S.A.W) and scholars widely recommend Imam Shāfiʿī in recognizing abrogated Ahadiths. Third is preference (ترجيح (which is based upon peripheral attributes.

Qari Abdul Basit, Dr. Habib ur Rehman. (2019) Rationalization of Contradicting Hadiths from Imam Shāfʿīs Perspective, Islamabad Islamicus, Volume-01, Issue-1.
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