God has created the creature with mysteries and phenomenal orderin the midst of complete code of life.Amazingly, the teacher (messenger of God Hazrat Adam A.S)was created first; thereafter learners and offspring’swere created for learning, preaching the lesson of love to mankind, and forbearing.There is no single person on earth – who could claim in a way that God has not made arrangement of his/her guidance because messengers of Allah have been preaching since the inception of this world. Holy Quran also testifies peace love and tolerance for entire creation. The peace, mercy on poor and needy, compassion is the basic lesson that was taught by last Prophet Hazrat Muhammad (Peace Be upon Him).These preaching enhance practicality among the human being. Islam is Arabic word meaning “peace” and the teachings of Islam promote brotherhood and love to mankind. Similarlyphilosophy of Sufi saints also purifies the heart and soul. It suggests humble life style that is first step towards ladder of love and tolerance. Present research article finds facts and figures related to terrorism and rigidity as unavoidable challenge in present times. The philosophy and practices of Sufi saints are explored as message of peace, love and brotherhood for mankind. The concepts related to mysticism have been discovered that are helpful for people to learn and practice for good behaviors. 

Dr. Ali Murad Lajwani, Dr. Aijaz Ali Khoso, Muhammad Ali Shaikh. (2021) Mysticism is a waytowards peace and tolerance: an analysis , International Research Journal of Management and Social Sciences , Volume 2, Issue 1.
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