Islam is a religion that wants to join the people of society. For this it gives us many concepts. Mutual cooperation is one of those. Islamic concept of mutual cooperation based on brotherhood, love, peace and care for others. Illuminant of this concept there can be positive social, economic, political and religious effects on society. Islam also guides us the way and sources of mutual cooperation. One of those is Islamic system of sadqaat. Through this system we can abolish poverty and bring prosperity and peace among the people of society. We can also make better the system of production, distribution and consuming of wealth through this system. If everyone in society creates in himself a sense of responsibility and God fearing and pay his sadqaat regularly and honestly, there would be no poverty, unemployment, illiteracy and regional crises in our society.Although Islam demands us to pay our sadqaat, but first of all it instructs us to earn our Rizq with our own hands and forbids from begging.
Ghulam Safora. (2020-2021) اسلامی معاشرے میں امداد باہمی کے ذرائع نافلہ کا کردار , AL-DALILI, Volume 2, Issue .
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