The importance of good governance for stability and peace in a country cannot be ruled out
especially in this era of globalization; good governance has become an important element to achieve prosperity
through social and economic stability. Pakistan which is undergoing extremism and militancy for the last
couple of years, is also deprived of good governance. Sudden rise in extremism and militancy poses a great
danger and a serious threat to the governance of Pakistan. Institutions operating to curb the peril are also
directly or indirectly becoming victim of terrorist actions. Pakistani nation feels great pain seeing explosions,
killings, violence, violation of law and order and series of street crimes and other violations having no recess
in between. An effort is made to carry out qualitative research on the presented theme, in a sequence, at initial
level common understanding and prevalence of increase in militancy and violence is discussed; followed by
a study on terrorist actions and terrorism is talked about while highlighting the governance’s troubles in
Pakistan. Data is collected through available literature’s review, published official reports from the state’s
institutions, interviews of selected and targeted people, think tanks, experts in the relevant field and evidence
from the society. The aim is to draw logical grounds for the decision makers to identify the areas to be focused
on providing a respectable and reasonable life to the common citizens of Pakistan through good governance,
economic stability, peace and rule of law.
Faheem Akhter, Khalid Mehmood Iraqi. (2018) Good Governance in Extremism and Militancy: A Case of Pakistan, Journal of Education & Social Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 2.
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