In view of the scientific studies of present age, Literature holds a unique status in scientific studies also a part of “ecology". My article is a study of the impact of different branches of ecological knowledge on Literature. My objective through this article is to highlight the exceptional characteristic and importance of literature and ecological studies as well as their relationship .The important fact which have revealed as a result of this research work is that literature and ecological knowledge are not aliens .The study shows that they are not inferior or superior to each other but are placed side by side just like members of one family or rays flowing from same source which is human being. Ecological knowledge is revolving around this source in a circle and the rays running there from absorbs in literature and so after getting fresh energy again becomes a part of circle revolving around the source. It is being discussed that literature and ecological knowledge are interlinked and are stepping ahead side by side.

Dr Shazia Razzaq. (2021) Impact of Environmental Sciences on Urdu Literature, Makhz (Research Journal) , Volume 2, Issue 1.
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