Shoukat siddiqui is a renowned and authentic author in Urdu novel writing. He has not only shown his mastery in novel writing but has also succeeded in proving skillfulness in fiction writing. Shoukat Siddiqui created bulky novel Chardewari which is unique example of Lakhnawi culture. The whole panorama of Chardewari is artistic narration of elite class's customs, mannerism, generosity, attitudes, social and economic circumstances, their devotion and attitudes towards religion, problems of contemporary age as well as ability to understand their latent faculties. Each and every character of novel represents specific language, civilization and culture of its epoch

Kinza Noshair, Dr. Noreen Razzaq. (2021) Shoukat Siddiqui’s novel Chardewari: A True Depiction of Lakhnawi Culture, Makhz (Research Journal) , Volume 2, Issue 1.
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