When there is the supremacy of materialism and war of power, man becomes the traveler of that path where there are wells but dried. Where when someone opens his mouth to speak, is trampled upon under the heavy boots like obnoxious insects. Where there are demons of power in the inns of travel, words become meaningless. The poetry of Akhter Jaffery is the creation of a man who is very sensitive. He is alive in a particular era which is not less than Black Sea. That is why, his poetry presents three levels at one and the same time – sensitive, metaphysical and rational which creates in his poetry a specific kind of symbolism. When this political, social and cultural decline and annihilation becomes a triangle, the poetry of Akhter Hussain become a mirror where anyone can see his reflection. Cultural critique and historicism find new meanings from these hidden cultural symbols. So, most of his poems have symbolic meaning which sometime confuse the readers and sometime emerge as an obscure reality but it’s neither vague nor contradictory and his poetry certainly contains metaphorical signs of sufferings and hardships.

Rukhsana Parveen. (2021) The Poet of Modern Urdu Poem Akhtar Hussain Jaffri: A Review, Makhz (Research Journal) , Volume 2, Issue 1.
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