Shibli and Hali both had shared same age and almost same conditions. Hali had seen all the ups and downs of war of freedom. He knew whatever was happened before and after that war of 1857. This war had affected more the Muslims. This nation already facing poor condition. They were become worse. And the political, economical educational and cultural structure would destroy for Muslims. In this condition hopelessness, inferiority complex had prevailed the Muslims. At that time there was no leader no protector. At last scholars decided to prepare their nation for practical for which poetry and literature were considered the best medium. During this Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan started his movement. Hali and Shibli had taken Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as a helmsman of the boat of Muslims. According to them only he could save the Muslims. According to them only he could save the Muslims. So, they both ha started to work in his movement they both had added a new life in a pessimistic body. For this purpose the put step on him ground of criticism. Haliand Shibli had kept his individuality and also worked with Sir Sayed Ahmed Khan till the end of his life. Sir Syed was also inspired by his opinions, ideas, personality and education and literal values. His co-operation was valuable for Sir Sayed Ahmad Khan for his movement. It is a reality that to make the movement of Sir Syed Ahmad Khan successful. Hali and Shibli had played on vital role.

Shumaila Mukhtar, Dr. Humaira Irshad. (2021) Shibli and Hali’s Crtical Thoughts, Makhz (Research Journal) , Volume 2, Issue 2.
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