According to the research till date, there lived two poets, Hafiz Barkhurdar Ranjha and Hafiz Barkhurdar Musalmani; but no final conclusion could be drawn about them. This article discusses the war between Mirza and Rahmun written by Hafiz Burkhurdar Hanjra which is never discussed earlier. In the context of this war many realities from new dimensions have been exposed about Mirza ,his family and also poet Hafiz Barkhurdar Hanjra. This is very important article about Mirza, particulary from the historical point of view .It underscores the importance of examining the tale of Mirza Sahiban from beginning that will certainly be a good omen for future researchers.

Dr Faisal Jappa. (2020) مرزا تے رحموں دی وار, Parakh, Volume 5, Issue 1, 9th Edition.
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