The Message of Allah (Qura'n) is error free from all type of mistakes. Both wordily, literally because Allah has taken the responsibility of the protection of it. Allah has produced a chain of scholars (Mufasserin) for the protection of meaning of the Holy Qura'n. These scholars have explained the meaning of every aspect and angle of the Holy Qura'n in different languages of the world in a dignified manner. By the grace of Allah and due to the hard work and sincere efforts of these scholars the Tafsir of Holy Qura'n is present in its original condition. In this matter the efforts of this great Scholar is worth mentioning, especially his Tafsir [Al-Badie fe Marifa Maani Kalam Rabana Al-sami] is short but contain precise and precious points, is the master piece of literature and knowledge. In Pakistan and particular in the Punjab province he is the personality who follow the Hanafi school of thought setting aside the conflicts, with strong arguments served the Qura'n and Had┘th for his life time. Below article is critical appreciation of mention Tafs┘r.

حسن, احمد, عبد القدوس. (2018) منهج الشيخ محمد شريف الله في تفسيره البديع في معرفة معاني كلام ربنا السميع, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 5, Issue 2.
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