In this article different era of ╓anaf┘ School of thought is discussed in which it is mentioned that ╓anaf┘ School got the general acceptance among people after the initial three stages of its Origination which lays the foundation of its Evolution and Promotion. First era is known as the era of “ Zahir ul Riw┐yah” renaissance starts from Hazrat Imam Ab┴ ╓an┘fa and moves on up to his disciple Hassan L┴lo’ (204 A.H.). There is no book found under the authorship of Imam Abu Han┘fa but his disciple R┐shid Al Mohammad has written various books. Some famous renowned books under the authorship of Im┐m Muhammad are Al J┐m‘ Alkab┘r (الجامع الكبير), Al J┐m‘ Al Sagh┘r (الجامع الصغير), Al Siyar Al kab┘r(السير الكبير), Al Siyar Al Saghir(السير الصغير), Al Mabs┴t(المبسوط) and Al Ziy┐d┐t(الزيادات). Second era is known as Mas┐’l-e Naw┐dir. Books like Al-Kais┐niy┐t(الكَيسانيات), Al-H┐r┴niy┐t(الهارونيات), Al-Jurj┐niy┐t(الجُرجانيات) and Al-Ruqiy┐t(الرَّقَّيات) are written under the authorship of Imam Muhammad during this era are consists of new topics that are not mentioned in the written books of earlier period.
باروی, محمد مہربان. (2016) المذهب الحنفي, نشأته, أطواره, استقراره, كتبه وطبقاته, Bannu University Research Journal in Islamic Studies, Volume 3, Issue 2.
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