Muslims understand that they are superior to all followers of other یلص ا ہلل ہیلع وآ ہل وااحص ہب م Muhammad Prophet Last the that believe to due religions لس و gave them the entire guidance for living the best lives of here and hereafter. Normally, Muslims claims that they are only addressee of the last prophet. The question generated are they only addressee of Prophet Last the How ? م یلص ا ہلل ہیلع و آہل وا احصہبولس Muhammad Prophet Last the all left and Muslims to only address can یلص ا ہلل ہیلع و آہل وا احصہب ولس Muhammad other humanity un-addressed if he claimed his last prophet ship according to the revelation from Allah? To answer these questions, an analytical study of Hadiths of the Last Prophet Muhammad اہلل یلص ولس احصہب وا آہل و لعہیwas done and found that in about 90% his sayings, the humanity the to addressed یلص ا ہلل ہیلع وآ ہل و ااحص ہب و لس Muhammad Prophet Last with the terms i.e. م،یم آ

Dr. Syed Aftab Alam, Ammara Tanveer. (2020) Seerat of the Last Prophet Muhammad صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ واصحابہ وسلم: For only Muslims or for the Whole Humanity, Ma’arif-e-Islami, Volume 19, Issue 2.
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