Ancient Arabic poetry has blatantly been known as šaʽr jāhilī. It is central phenomenon of literary criticism among literati and critics around the world from earlier time to this day. There are many prominent Arab scholars that have already studied and analyzed this kind of poetry in details. Among modern Arab Scholars, Mahmoud Mohamed Shaker is the most famous personality who has contributed to this kind of poetry from several points of views. He gave it more attention to its core relation to the Holy text; Qur’an, particularly because understanding of the text permuted ancient Arabic poetry enables reciter to realize and apprehend the Ījāz of Holy Qur’an along with comprehension of earlier Arabic text leading to Islamic phenomenon.Therefore, he principally focused on confiscating misconceptions and fallacies that have mainly been drawn out by orientalists towards this grateful prehistoric poetry interpreting that if anyone in the world is doubtful in šaʽr jāhilī, it would mislead him towards the ījāz of Holy Qur’an.

Ulfat ulllah Awab, Dr. Muhammad ali Ghori. (2018) موقف الشيخ محمود محمد شاكر من الشعر الجاهلي وارتباطه بالإعجاز القرآني, Ma’arif-e-Islami, Volume 17, Issue 1.
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