Islam built on concrete belief and it is not changeable faith. Islamic Belief is not a practical thing but a matter of knowledge which the Muslim is obliged to believe in his heart. The Quran defined this faith to believe in Allah, His Messengers, angels, Books and the Meeting with Him and to believe in the final Resurrection. From this faith, the believer may find answers to all questions about everything and how to behave according to the rules of Islamic teachings. However, some religious scholars concentrated at one stage on documenting Islam and answering to those deviating from it by using an approach influenced by Greek philosophy. They also interpreted the Quran based upon Greek thought. The Quran has narrated the two kinds of faith. The correct faith is composed of the set of beliefs brought by the Messengers of Allah and the other kind is false faith or falseness stems from the fact that they are the product of human thought or Greek philosophy. The Qur’an gives evidence in different from the manner about faith and belief. The Qur’an points the evidence of visible signs in the universe. The Qur’an describes many natural and sold examples for the interpreting of faith. The research looks at the views of the Islamic religious scholars, taking a methodological approach to their debates on various issues and makes evident the comprehensive nature of the Quran and the message of Allah in dealing with all aspects of society. In this article, the researcher highlights Islam as a distinctive faith from which may be drawn balance, the divine and all-inclusiveness. The article concludes by arguing that the Quran provide a comprehensive source of faith, consistent with instinct and reason, and emphasizes that Islam as a religion possesses answers to all of today’s issues.

Hafiz Muhammad Ishaq, Dr. Uzma Bagam. (2018) عقیدہ کی تعبیر میں قرآن مجید کا فطرتی و عقلی منہج :تحقیقی جائزہ, Ma’arif-e-Islami, Volume 17, Issue 2.
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