Folk Literature holds a vital position in the life of any nation because real behaviour of any nation is manifested through folk literature. While studying through the historical perspective, the resistance in Punjabi literature expresses that the origin of the resistance started in folk literature then it appeared in classical and modern poetry and prose. The resistance in Punjabi folk literature shows the collective behaviour of Punjabis who always fought against any internal and external hypocrisy and conspiracy. This article expresses political, economic, psychological, religious, moral and cultural resistance in Punjabi folk songs and folktales. It can be evaluated from the historical study of world that powerful nations have always been oppressing weaker nations. But those who have awareness about their rights always raise their voice in different ways. Many nations attacked Punjab due to geographical importance but the inhabitants of Punjab stood up against any kind of oppression and tyranny. The resistance in Punjabi folk literature not only expresses the behaviour of Punjabis in the past but it also played an important role in character building of new generation.

Dr Fozia Hanif. (2021) پنجابی لوک ادب وچ مزاحمت, Parakh, Volume 6, Issue 1, 11th Edition.
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