The culture of marrying off girls in childhood or in early adolescent age is a top line issue in
Pakistan. The impacts of this issue are quite lasting because it leads to a host of problems in
their further way of life. Among its adverse impacts, barrier on their education is immediate
one. It makes them engage into practical familial household without sufficient mental
maturity. Thus the early-wed girls are pressed under challenges of a difficult phase of life
before they are suitably prepared for it. Another adverse effect befalls upon their physical
health. They are vulnerable to various medical complications and suffer from serious health
issues. There is strong association between marrying at later age and higher level of
education along with better reproductive health. The early marriages are made upon various
socio-cultural and socioeconomic grounds. Some of those reasons are exchange-marriages
(watta-satta), recompense-through-girl (vanni), money-for-girl (Valwarr) and evading
expenses on girls’ brought-up and education. When girls are married in early teens, their
right to education is plainly denied and because of too early exposure to conjugal living,
their reproductive health and physical wellbeing is badly affected.
Muhammad Muzaffar, Zahid Yaseen, Aisha Ahmad. (2018) Child Marriages in Pakistan: Causes and Consequences, Journal of Indian Studies, Volume 4, Issue 2.
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